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Meet your facilitators

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After 15 years working and leading teams in Fortune 500 companies, Barbara Boselli now empowers individuals and corporations to relate in a healthy way to today’s accelerated pace of change and high stress environment. Through coaching and workshops that combine emotional intelligence, mindfulness and elements of neuroscience, Barbara helps employees find meaning and purpose in their work, develop resilience and navigate stress skillfully while strengthening their capacity for focus. The outcome is happier and more productive individuals and workplaces. 

 Barbara has an MBA from the Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University and is a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA). She is certified by the Search Inside Yourself Leadership Institute and by the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching and has a degree in Spiritual Psychology from the University of Santa Monica. 



Ashley is passionate about unlocking the full potential of individuals and organizations by helping people become a more resilient, effective, content version of themselves. Drawing upon her experience as a mindfulness practitioner, Fortune 500 senior executive leading global commercial teams, entrepreneur, mother, and partner, she empowers people to thrive and elevate performance through practices that improve clarity, awareness, empathy, communication and connection. Ashley was awarded Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) certification from the UCSD Center for Mindfulness in the School of Medicine, and is also a certified SIY (Search Inside Yourself) Global leadership instructor, executive coach, certified hatha yoga teacher, and the founder of Inseus. 

Ashley believes that mindfulness is accessible to everyone, transforms lives, and has the power to change our communities in ways that are deeply beneficial. In her spare time, you can find Ashley enjoying a fish taco on the beach, reading a good historical fiction book, rowing on the Chicago River with fellow breast cancer survivors, or on an adventure with one of her young adult daughters or her partner, Chuck.

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